Many consumers have been adopting holistic and natural approaches to beauty in recent years to boost their overall wellness. Kim Manley, founder of KM Herbals, was living a holistic lifestyle long before it was vogue, as she created her own personal care products while she was pregnant with her daughter due to the harsh chemicals found in mainstream baby products. This is a woman who saw an opportunity for change in the skin care industry and decided to do something about it. To gain more insight into Manley’s success in the spa and wellness industry, Skin Inc. sat down with her, and we learned about how she takes a customized approach to her clients and brings them back to a feeling of “wholeness,” how she walks in her own integrity to overcome her biggest challenge and how her top post-quarantine tip has everything to do with kindness.
Skin Inc. (SI): How did you get started in the industry?
Kim Manley (KM): I was a practicing master herbalist, clinical aromatherapist, massage therapist, reiki practitioner and flower essence practitioner working with individuals until I had my daughter Bonnie Rose in 1992. In my medicinal training of botanicals and essential oils, I studied natural skin care with Mindy Green at the California School of Herbal Studies. This school at the time had all of the pioneers of herbalism teaching there.
SI: Who are your biggest mentors?
KM: Some of my biggest mentors include: Rosemary Gladstar, Mindy Green, James Green, Amanda McQuade Crawford, David Hoffman, Tim Blakley and Jade Shutes.
SI: What is one of your biggest accomplishments?
KM: One of my biggest accomplishments is the grassroots origins of my business and being devoted to helping people as a messenger and steward of the plant kingdom. Another big accomplishment is never swaying from that intention.
Continue reading our EXCLUSIVE interview with Kim Manley in our Digital Magazine...