Staying on top of the newest developments in the field and introducing them to your clients allows you to continually re-establish yourself as their personal skin care expert. With that in mind, you should know that anti-aging isn’t just about wrinkles anymore. Many scientists and dermatologists are confirming that the tone of a person’s skin is among the main identifiers in determining their age—the more even skin tone is, the younger a person looks.
Progress in anti-aging skin care has moved one step further due to the development of a breakthrough topical glucosamine complex. It treats uneven skin tone by targeting skin cells that overproduce melanin. Formerly used in arthritis treatments, topical glucosamine has been found to reduce age spots and improve skin barriers.
While many products already on the market can improve tone imperfections, they have had a tendency to contain ingredients, such as hydroquinone, that can be harsh and irritating to the skin. This is among the first combinations to perfect skin tone while also improving the overall health of the skin.
P&G Beauty
New Ingredients for Reversing Tone Imperfection
May 16th, 2008