Complexions Spa for Beauty and Wellness has added a cannabidiol (CBD) oil massage to its menu services. Cannabis skin care and cannabis spa treatments have been a buzzworthy topic recently, no pun intended, so Skin Inc. asked Denise Dubois, owner of Complexions Spa for Beauty and Wellness, more about the treatment, why the spa decided to add it to their menu and the benefits of the treatment.
Skin Inc. (SI): What are the benefits of this treatment?
Denise Dubois (DD): Scientific and clinical research has shown cannabidiol’s broad range of medicinal applications. It helps to alleviate discomfort from arthritis, inflammation, muscle and joint pain and chronic pain. It also helps to relieve migraines, insomnia, anxiety and symptoms of stress and depression, including mood disorders.
SI: What made Complexion Spa choose to add a cannabis treatment to their menu?
DD: I was researching homeopathic options for my elderly dog Molly, suffering from pain caused by neuropathy. I wanted to get her off of pain medication, as it has its own harmful side effects, especially to a dog's liver. I started finding information about full spectrum CBD and how scientists are continuing to learn more about it and how it interacts with receptors throughout the body to elicit balancing and healing effects. At Complexions Spa, it is our mission to help our guests invite wellness and healing into their everyday lives. Including cannabis-infused massage therapy is another way we can assist our guests to do just that.
SI: How has the client reactions to the treatment been?
DD: Our clients, so far, have been very interested in learning about it. Several clients are currently coming in weekly for massages for pain management alone, so the cannabis-infused massage therapy is another option for them.
SI: Has it gotten a lot of client traffic?
DD: We only started offering the CBD oil massage in September as a featured service of the month and are currently educating our clients through marketing. It has been very well received in a short amount of time.
SI: How is cannabis incorporated into the treatment?
DD: We custom blend a massage oil with a quality, full spectrum CBD oil, sourced from Colorado with minimal ingredients including arnica. Complexions Spa also sells organic tinctures and topical salves for home use so our clients can enjoy continued benefits at home after their professional treatment in the spa.
SI: What massage techniques are used in this treatment?
DD: We developed a 90-minute therapeutic massage treatment incorporating the additional benefits of LED light therapy along with it for optimal pain management.
SI: Are there any contraindications with the treatment?
DD: None that we are aware of presently.
SI: For clients who have received the treatment, how have they felt after it?
DD: The feedback from our clients who have experienced this particular treatment has been very positive. They’ve expressed how relaxed they feel and have said the therapeutic benefits have been terrific. Following her first treatment, our very first guest asked if she could purchase a package of six CBD oil massage treatments, which we gladly obliged.