Ever since I can remember, the epidermis has been touted as the body’s largest organ. I used to feel uncomfortable hearing this because I kept thinking, “What about fascia?” It not only lies totally under the skin, but is surrounds every organ.
There is the superficial fascia that unrolls under the epidermis and around the muscles, and the deep fascia that wraps around the visceral organs. In all, there are three basic layers in the body. The fascia also has a “memory storage” capability of storing our emotions below the conscious level as a protective mechanism. Only lately has fascia been recognized as an actual organ, yet I have always treated it as such in any kind of skin revision, recognizing its many capabilities and defense mechanisms to skin anomalies.
The quanta dermis, microdermis and acid mantel make up the three segments of skin.
Alternative medicine and holistic practices have been aware of the importance of fascia for decades. I think the medical world ignored it mostly because of early anatomy drawings in textbooks. In the old days, when cadavers were cut up to help medical researchers draw pictures of our organs, the fascia under and in dead tissue would appear as dust, but it is important for any real skin revision work.
There are three other segments or “layers” of the skin we have to be aware of to make a successful diagnosis and prognosis of skin and how we are going to treat it. If these segments are addressed properly, most skin disorders go into a homeostasis state and almost all problems vanish.
Related: Cell Talk
Segment 1: Quanta Dermis
The Quanta Dermis is the skin’s interaction with light (solar) sound waves: electricity and magnetism. Back in the 1980s, I was working with the Norwegian works league in their government on what I had labelled “PC SKIN.” There were reports that many people working in basement offices with no windows were suffering with rosacea-like flareups, p ustules and other dermatitis disorders.
One reason was the lack of windows and metal rebar in the cement blocks the buildings were constructed with. This means no varying harmonics of natural electromagnetic waves passing through the rooms. You can reset your own electromagnetic field, a physical field, just by standing bare foot on earth or grass at high noon with the sun directly overhead.
Personal computers or office computers put off about 600 gausses of “throw away” positive electromatic waves, which are the “bad” waves that depolarize the membrane’s cell walls if the skin has an overload. Many scientists argue that the body can take about 900 gauss every day, no problem. Meaning, the positive waves coming off a device would be negligible, but, in my opinion, it was “negligible,” but accumulative—day after day bombardment!
Continue reading about skin segments in the April Digital Magazine...
Danné Montague-King is the founder of DMK Skin Care, which is based on his “remove, rebuild, protect, maintain” concept. He is a known educator, author and presenter.
Jayant Lokhande, M.D. BDP, is an Indian system of medicine practitioner and the chief scientific officer for Indus Extracts. He has formulated more than 50 dietary supplements, OTC drugs and functional foods and beverages worldwide. Lokhande earned both a M.D. BDP (botanical drug product) and a MBA in biotechnology. He has published two books, Handbook of Metallonutraceuticals and Botanical Drug Products: Recent Developments and Market Trends.