Mintel's Mature Beauty Trends for 2024 & Beyond

Happy smiling grey-haired senior mother and young daughter holding hand and hugging with love
Mintel's Mature Beauty report highlights the shift in perception toward aging.
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The medical aesthetics industry is experiencing a social destigmatization about the use of plastic surgery and the connection between self-esteem and healthy aging. More patients are feeling comfortable seeking cosmetic treatments to address both confidence issues and health issues beyond their control. Likewise, more patients are becoming comfortable with the aging process and seeking ways to enhance their natural beauty.

Mintel's Beauty Lifestages report highlights this shift toward healthy aging and embracing mature beauty. Opportunities exist to gain loyal consumers and patients by helping them work toward healthy skin. Social influencers are beginning to discuss realistic aging and a desire for natural looks and industry leaders are embracing the aging process.

Related: 2024's Top Sexual Wellness Trends in Aesthetics

Mintel recommends focusing on marketing aging women into campaigns to develop a broader conversation around women's health. Legacy brands continue traditionally targeting older consumers through smoothing claims and powerhouse ingredients and support women's changes through education and representation.

Mintel suggests going beyond traditional facial products and looking to Gen Z for direction for patients of all ages. Protecting the skin barrier is a foundational attribute identified in the report that trends across popular subcategories.

That transparency has also extended to sexual health as conversations about feminine hygiene and menopause are becoming less taboo and more integrated into normal discourse.


Beauty Lounge Medical Spa offers Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy, a plant-based treatment designed to combat hormonal imbalance symptoms caused by menopause such as fatigue, mood instability, brain fog, anxiety and more.

The treatment utilizes small, custom-compounded pellets containing bioidentical hormones. These hormones, including estradiol and testosterone, are derived from natural plant sources and are structurally identical to the hormones produced by the body.

For patients looking to address aging skin, Mintel reports that many are focused on plump, bright skin and discovering smooth skin and wrinkle solutions supported through full skin care rituals and treatments with multi-beneficial features and clean ingredient combinations that support clear and aging skin.

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