Canadean consumer data found more than a fifth of women aged 45+ are on the lookout for individualized and customized skin care products. However, with the huge amount of different anti-aging creams, lotions and tonics available, women are having a difficult time choosing the right product for their skin type. Instead they prefer to stick to a simpler regime, as they feel that the choice among the vast selection is time-consuming and confusing.
Joanne Hardman, analyst at Canadean, notes of this trend, “Women develop their skin care routine in their 20s and stick with it. However, skin changes over the years, meaning skin care regimes should be adapted along the way.”
Canadean sees a great potential for brands that offer women over 45 a personalized shopping experience, where they can learn more about different skin care products and effective regimes for their skin types. Hardman believes brands that can give something unique to their customers will be successful. “There is a real growth opportunity for brands that offer a fine, tailored experience to women over 45, as they are creating brand loyalty among their customers,” she says.
As an example, Canadean shares that Nivea’s Face Facts Boutique has created a new campaign for women between the age of 40 and 60 that allows them to learn more about the product range and experience the products for themselves through multisensory sampling stations. A Nivea skin expert will provide free skin consultations using a Nivea skin technology to analyze women’s skin, advise on the best skin care routines and answer any questions related to aging skin. Hardman predicts that “it won't take long before other cosmetics brands are tapping into Nivea’s idea.”
This content is adapted from GCI magazine. The original version can be found here.