Beauty devices have created a mega category and are transforming the skin care market and consumer behavior, just as the electric toothbrush and the hair iron changed oral care and hair styling. Technology provides high standards of skincare—the wow factor—according to United States, Chinese and European beauty experts, recently interviewed by Diagonal Reports.
Beauty technology—including cleansing brushes, light-based platforms and skin care systems - has created a huge new market worth billions of dollars. Year on year sales' comparisons are quite meaningless because this market did not even exist a few years ago. Exponential growth rates will continue for the foreseeable future.
Beauty technology devices deliver immediate results especially for core skin care problems such as anti-aging and blemish removal. Technology has democratized beauty outcomes which were previously not affordable and explains why 70% of women would like to own a new beauty device.
Despite the recession, women continue to spend money on facial care. They justify the price by factoring in the money saved on skin care products, treatments and the time required for visits to the spa or dermatologist. Positive consumer reviews and feedback about immediate results are a major factor in driving strong demand.
Technology is now shaping a distinctive beauty culture and expectations. Devices are creating new standards in skin care. This change will impact demand for all manually applied/removed skin care products—especially anti-aging creams, skin cleansers and makeup.
Diagonal Reports has now published its global analysis of the 2013 Beauty Device Market. It interviewed beauty professionals and device retailers (February–March 13) about consumer demand for beauty technology, best performing devices and brands, purchasing criteria and sales strategies.