The Professional Beauty Association recently sent out a letter informing its members know about a new alliance of cosmetic industry associations. The Safe Cosmetics Alliance, a coalition comprised of the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors (ICMAD) and the Direct Selling Association, is working with legislators to advance a bill that will strengthen and modernize regulatory oversight of the cosmetic industry while allowing manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retail owners, spa/salon owners and licensed beauty professionals to conduct their business.
The new Safe Cosmetics Alliance website, includes a petition urging lawmakers to support responsible cosmetics legislation based on sound scientific principles. Your help in generating support for this petition, both through your own participation and by sharing it with friends, clients, family members and colleagues. Anyone using cosmetic and personal care products and services will be affected by future industry regulations, and they need to know how to get involved.