Due to COVID-19, Pennsylvania spas have been closed for half a year, according to Pennsylvania’s Local21 News.
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Pennsylvania has been fully green for almost two months, yet spas are still unable to perform certain services. The Pennsylvania Department of State issued green phase guidance, which states services that require face covering removal can not be performed, meaning facials and facial hair removal.
Regilynn Haywood, owner of There She Glows day spa in Harrisburg, estimates that 80% of her business is facials.
“I wake up each day not knowing whether or not I'll be able to afford to keep my supplies," said Haywood.
Haywood has created a petition to allow estheticians to perform facials, which has gained almost 500 signatures.
“Our training, our protocols, our bloodborne pathogen training, all of those things that put us right up there with nurse assistants," said Haywood.
The governor's office issued a statement in response saying, “Gov. Wolf is proposing $225 million in forgivable loans and grants to small businesses in Pennsylvania through the COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance Program. In addition, the governor is proposing $100 million in forgivable loans and grants for the hospitality, leisure, and service industries, including restaurants and bars, salons, and barber shops."