The discussion around sanitization and disinfection is important, particularly in these days with the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing worldwide. This article is not intended to be a detailed thesis on the entire scope of sanitation and disinfection, but rather to give the reader a practical and useful understanding of the principals involved. The terms sanitization and disinfection are often misunderstood. It is important to understand these principles, as they can impact esthetics management in a real way. Considering these two principles requires an understanding of microorganisms in general, as well as what ingredients are used and how these ingredients actually achieve their goals.
Choose the Known
There are two regulatory bodies which oversee sanitization and disinfection for esthetics: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Adminsitration (FDA). At EPA, products used to kill viruses and bacteria on surfaces are registered as antimicrobial pesticides. Sanitizers and disinfectants are two types of antimicrobial pesticides. The FDA regulates hand sanitizers, antiseptic washes and antibacterial soaps for use on people.
There are many folks who choose to use natural or homemade solutions to sanitize and disinfect. Unless they are registered with the EPA or FDA, they are not acceptable for use in the industry. When a product is registered with either the FDA or EPA, it undergoes strict testing and evaluation to determine if they are achieving the desired efficacy outcomes. If individuals use solutions that are not registered, they are putting their clients and businesses at risk, not only from contamination, but from legal entanglements. This is a highly regulated space, which requires a strict adherence to these regulations. Always read the label and make sure you are using these products as directed.
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