I grew up watching The Muppets, a puppet comedy television show where Kermit the Frog tries to entertain guests while appeasing the behavior of the other characters, including the glamorous and slightly abusive Miss Piggy. Up until about 10 years ago, when someone used the term “green,” it usually made me think of Kermit and his famous song, “It’s Not Easy Being Green.” Over time and with growing environmental concerns, my visual association for the word “green” has changed.
Ingredient efficacy is of paramount importance to me—whether the ingredients are synthetic, natural or organic—but not far behind is choosing companies that produce products with the environment in mind.
This issue of Skin Inc. is centered around being green, no matter where your definition of it lies. It touches on sourcing essential oils from eco-responsible manufacturers, choosing to go natural or organic, and organic ingredients for sensitive skin.
Let’s not forget my main-man Kermit, though, because when he sang “It’s not easy being green,” he had a great point. It isn’t easy being green, whether that means natural, organic or environmentally friendly.
As we cover in this issue, defining the terms natural and organic is a feat in itself, with no harmonized regulatory body for these products in the United States. Not to mention, within the certifying agencies, there are a host of definitions and levels of natural or organic content.
Being responsible to the environment is equally as challenging. I mean, have you ever tried to wash out and recycle a jar of peanut butter? It is difficult to be cognizant of how our everyday actions will impact our air, water and soil, but it is so incredibly important.
Natural and organic products have seen a rebirth in recent years, now showing some of the same efficacies of their synthetic counterparts. Nature is truly wonderous, but natural and organic products do not fit into every spa’s branding. Being kind to the Earth does.
April 22, 2016, is Earth Day, and my challenge to you, my dear readers, is to adopt one new “green” practice, whatever it might be, and share it with us on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/skininc). Don’t be afraid to share a picture; it might even make it into the magazine!
Oh, and if you finish reading this issue cover to cover and are not saving it in your personal library, please recycle.
Yours in education,
Managing Editor, Skin Inc.