Beating all the odds, the esthetic market grew 123% in the last 10 years—right through the recession. This seems counter-intuitive, but according to Restylane inventor and industry thought leader Luis R. Frisina, it’s true.
In fact, during a recent medical esthetic workshop, held on April 11, 2016, by the American Med Spa Association, he projected the medical spa market to grow 18% every year, with 58% of medical spas to see 5% growth each year.
How are they so successful? He answered this question by sharing the following 23 secrets of what the best practices are doing, so that you can do them too.
1. Market to Your Top VIPs.
On average, the top 15% of clients bring in 45% of your revenue.
2. Implement a Customer Loyalty Program
3. Collect Patient/Client Testimonials
4. Invest in a Website and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
5. Invest in Social Media.
Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter are the top three.
6. Get Your MDs on RealSelf
7. Use Video Marketing.
This can include testimonials and treatments. Videos are viewed 10X more than written content.
8. Employ Google Analytics
9. Use a Client Lead-tracking Service or System
10. Increase Marketing Automation
11. Recruit and Establish the Best Patient Care Coordinators.
These coordinators are your “stealth weapons,” converting patients to bookings and up-selling services.
12. Employ Other Internet Services.
For example, HootSuite, Nuvi and others can manage social media. ZocDoc assists with online derm appointment meetings.
13. Implement a Cosmetic Interest Questionnaire (CIQ)
14. Analyze Your Service Providers’ Profitability
15. Add Threads to Your Menu
16. Offer Vaginal Rejuvenation
17. Provide Advanced Laser Therapies
18. Implement Non-surgical Hair Restoration Services.
This area is “on fire” right now, growing at a whopping 20%. While both men and women can benefit, it’s a “gateway” to getting more male clients through your doors.
19. Use Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in Hair Restoration.
Known as the “vampire filler,” PRP is actually very effective in hair restoration.
20. Bring in Body Shaping and Cellulite Treatment Technologies
21. Use Best Practice Management and Electronic Medical Record Systems
22. Implement the Best Photographic Systems.
Capture the best “before” and “after” evidence of the treatments you offer.
23. Overall: Choose Wisely, Select What’s Manageable and Implement One Step at a Time.
Look for solutions that increase efficiency, manage metrics, attract new clients, retain clients, are proven safe and have the highest return on your investment.