Osmosis is proud to introduce the most advanced growth factor (GF) formula available today, our new StemFactor. The research and technology behind this amazing product is revolutionary. Let’s start by identifying why putting growth factors on the skin is helpful: Every year of your adult life, you have fewer and fewer growth factors in your skin. While there are roughly 300 varieties, the number of each dwindles with age. This affects the wound-healing capacity and overall health of the skin. By the time you are 50, you have 25% less capacity in this regard, so adding this serum into your daily routine will restore your ability to permanently rejuvenate aged and damaged skin.
In addition, our scientists have figured out how to produce many critical skin proteins that aid the skin in rejuvenation and repair. In fact, for the first time in history, we have been able to verify 540 unique skin-benefitting proteins. The most exciting of them are actual human tropocollagen, collagen, tropoelastin and elastin. Research shows that these critical proteins also decline with age and this is the first formula providing such a bioavailable form of them. Many people use collagen, less use elastin, but in both cases you are using pig or cow forms of the proteins that have been irradiated and processed and are much larger in molecular size than what is available in StemFactor.
—Ben Johnson, M.D.
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