How To Adjust Skin Regimens With Hormone Changes

Increased estrogen levels during the warmer months has several skin benefits.
Increased estrogen levels during the warmer months has several skin benefits.

The changing seasons typically require a tweak in skin care routines. It is common to use heavier creams to combat drying winters and lightweight hydrating serums in the spring and summer. While the weather is an important factor in skin care, the body’s natural reactions to changing seasons are another important factor to consider. An article from MindBodyGreen detailed how hormones change seasonally and the effects on skin health.

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There is research that suggests that the seasons can influence hormone balance as the body adjusts to changes in sun, temperature, food and habits, according to Trevor Cates, N.D., naturopathic doctor and founder of The Spa Dr.

The winter-spring peak is when hormones surge the most, resulting in a physiological peak in basic human functions, according to the article. During this time, individuals often see a surge of estrogen, which has several skin benefits including increased collagen production, hydration and elasticity.

It is recommended to consider using collagen-supporting topicals like vitamin C serums during winter to make up for the lack of estrogen and resist the heavier products during the summer months when the skin is feeling its best.

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