FDA Approves Johnson & Johnson Surgical Robot, Clinical Trials Begin

The FDA has approved Johnson & Johnson Medtech's OTTAVA, a surgical robot for operating rooms.
The FDA has approved Johnson & Johnson Medtech's OTTAVA, a surgical robot for operating rooms.
Jacob Lund at Adobe Stock

The FDA has approved a new technology by Johnson & Johnson Medtech–the OTTAVA, according to a Nov. 12 press release, thereby initiating clinical trials and surgical cases to prepare for its implementation in medical spaces. The surgical robot contains four robotic arms that can be incorporated into operating tables to support robotic, laparoscopic, hybrid, and open surgery.

J&J MedTech designed the OTTAVA system to address common needs that persist in modern robotic surgery. The system reportedly “supports clinically relevant features like ‘twin motion,’ in which the table and robotic arms move together for intraoperative repositioning and multi-quadrant access without re-docking,” per the official announcement.

"Meeting this milestone brings us a step closer to delivering on our promise to make technology more human, care more adaptive, and people more connected so that surgery works better for everyone," said company group chairman Hani Abouhalka, according to the release. 

The versatility of the OTTAVA robot, powered by Ethicon energy, aligns with the needs of the surgeon and their individual expertise, and accommodates the unique medical history of a patient. By creating a solution that can be programmed to assist however a medical professional sees fit, surgery duration and outcomes are fulfilled more efficiently, the company claims.

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