As the final day of Face & Body 2009 arrived, spa professionals once again crowded the aisles of the expo floor, gathered around speakers in Manufacturer Classes, and eagerly snapped up new products and information from spa industry’s top suppliers.
In the Manufacturer Classes, some of the industry’s most well-known names showcased their skin care and business talents, helping attendees get insight on how to handle the economy, retail, new treatments and more. Asking questions and getting involved in the demonstrations, smart spa professionals used the opportunity to get hands-on with the manufacturers, who offered advice and explanations for a range of spa issues.
Perusing the myriad of booth offerings on the expo floor, attendees learned about product components and procedures while conversing with knowledgeable supplier staffers. On-floor demonstrations allowed spa professionals the chance to get first-hand experience with ingredients and products while also having the opportunity to sample items they could potentially add to their spas.
Attendees had the chance to converse with each other, too, learning about the hard-won tips and tricks they’ve each experienced while running their respective businesses. And the expo floor allowed them the chance to get familiar with new lines and companies, meeting new people and making new connections.
Additionally, RevitaLash continued its cash giveaways, sending four more lucky winners home $1,000 richer to help give them a boost. Wrapping up, attendees caught last-minute deals and secured lasting relationships with the suppliers, speakers and fellow spa professionals they met during the conference and expo. Leaving armed with products, contacts, innovative ideas and more, they each set off for their home spas, ready to implement and test the information they had received during Face & Body 2009.
Don’t forget to join us next year—July 17-19, 2010, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center—for more valuable information, insight and innovation—in short, another successful Face & Body Spa & Healthy Aging Conference and Expo!