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Do You Have Esthetic Scope of Practice Questions?
When it comes to scope of practice in esthetics, there is definitely some confusion, particularly when it comes to modalities. What devices can we use? What devices can't we use? Is there a grey area?
Event Coverage
6 Cool Innovations for the Techie Esthy
3 Reasons to Attend Face & Body 2024
Industry News
[Poll] Do You Like Big Or Small Events?
When it comes to attending industry events, what is your preferred size? We want to know. Take this poll and let us know if you like big or small events.
Call For Speakers for Face & Body!
Take this opportunity to participate in our advanced education conference. The advanced education conference is now seeking up to 60-minute educational presentations from industry experts.
Meet S.A.M., Hale Cosmeceuticals’s New Salicylic Azelaic L-Mandelic Peel
Introducing our advanced Salicylic Azelaic L-Mandelic (S.A.M.) peel that combines the exfoliating properties of salicylic acid with the brightening and hydrating effects of azelaic and L-Mandelic acids to safely, gently and effectively treat skin.
How Are You Advancing Your Spa Education?
Are you planning on attending trade shows in the new year? What classes are you planning to take?
Dermaplaning 101: A Complete Guide to Getting Started
Roschel Wynn, owner of Alchemy Aesthetics Academy, shared her complete guide to get started dermaplaning in your spa at our Face & Body spa show on Aug. 21, 2023.
Find the Future of Organic Beauty in Aromatherapy & The Power of Flowers
Attendees at our annual Face & Body Northern California skin care show gathered on Aug. 21 to gain knowledge on the power of organic beauty from wellness veteran, Adora Winquist.
The Important Connection Between Skin Care and Mindfulness
Attendees gathered for the final advanced education course of the Face & Body Northern California show on Aug. 21, 2023 to learn about the connection between skin care and mindfulness, led by E'Toshia McFarland.
[How-To] Best Practices for Acne Extractions
Kelsey Duque, LE, shared her top tips on best practices when it comes to acne extractions on the Skin Inc. LIVE! Stage at the Face and Body Spa Conference on Aug. 21, 2023.
4 Natural Therapies for Glowing Skin
Dr. Ahnee Min-Yau, doctor of Tractional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and founder of Tao Natural Healing joined our Face & Body Northern California event on Aug. 20, 2023 to discuss natural therapies for achieving glowing skin.
3 Holistic Massage Techniques for Lifting & Detoxifying Skin
Owner of Scrub Me Skin Care, Katherine Stribakos, revealed three facial massage treatments that can be utilized in the treatment room at our Face & Body Northern California show.
Face & Body Northern California Coverage
[Expo Hall Excitement] New Location, Skin Inc. LIVE! Stage and More
Attendees can expect high-level spa education in addition to a bustling tradeshow floor, live show floor 'edutainment' at the Skin Inc. LIVE! Stage, tons of show floor demos, product launches left and right and so much more!