With the start of a new year, we often look to change and improve our surroundings. Creating new spaces can be exciting and good for business. Before you start, here are #10things to ask yourself before remodeling or adding space.
1. What is your motivation?
Create a list of what is currently working and not working with the space. Are the challenges you see and feel really with the space, or are they with your team, product or clientele? Adjusting the space for the wrong reasons is a waste of funds.
2. What is your budget?
Be realistic with this number and be sure to keep at least three to six months of operating costs separate from your budget.
3. What is the ROI?
How much revenue could this improvement mean to your bottom line? For example, if you spend $5,000 on upgrading your treatment room, how long before you see a return on your investment?
4. Who will do the work?
Can you do the work yourself or will you need to hire a general contractor?
5. Do you have permits?
City ordinances and permits can slow down and sometimes freeze construction for our industry. Know all the facts and get it in writing before starting any construction projects.
6. Are you considering accessibility?
Will this small remodel trigger accessibility issues or other enhancements that may make the project cost prohibitive? Your city planning office, architect and/or general contractor will provide this information.
7. Could you adjust operations?
Instead of adding more space, could you change your hours of operation to build revenue with the same operating costs? If you are unable to fill your current space, why do you need more?
8. Could you refresh with less?
Will new equipment, fresh paint, new retail shelves and storage create an upgraded look without a complete remodel?
9. Is your electrical suitable?
Is the current electrical available in the space enough to handle more equipment? Note: Steamers require a dedicated circuit.
10. Do you need more plumbing?
Moving a sink, adding a wet room and relocating a bathroom can be challenging depending on where the existing plumbing lives. Know and understand this information before moving forward with any plumbing changes.
Small alterations to your space or skin studio can transform your guest experience. Having all the information ahead of time will create a harmonious and cost effective plan you’ll be proud to call your own.