This month’s issue focuses on one of my favorite topics—customer service. Like many of you, this past year brought about amazing discoveries within our businesses. With all that we have grown, can we please bring back customer service? Here are #10things we can do to bring the “service” back to our industry.
1. Greeting. Welcome your guest by their name, not with “checking in?” Smile, make eye contact and listen with the intent to understand. Literally “open your arms” when clients arrive to your space.
2. Thank you. Express appreciation verbally, hand write a thank you note, shake their hand or give them a hug if appropriate and say, “thank you.” Be grateful your clients chose you. Tip: The response to thank you is you’re welcome or my pleasure, NOT no problem.
3. Customize. Clients want professional treatments that have been curated for their skin. Tell them why you are choosing this professional treatment for their specific needs. This experience is not available via Zoom or YouTube.
4. Power of touch. Post COVID-19, everything is digital from ordering coffee to buying groceries. Skin therapy time! Your hands are powerful; use them by focusing intently on your guest.
5. Build community. Reconnect with massage therapists, fitness instructors, local salons and dermatologists who are still offering services. How can this group share clients and resources? Many businesses are rebuilding. Reach out and create a network of like-minded entrepreneurs.
6. Remember. Clients want you to recall their vacations, allergies and idiosyncrasies. Confidentially make notes about your clients, so you can remember and keep track of their life and special requests. For example, remind them they need travel sizes and SPF for their upcoming trip.
7. Health and safety. Pre-COVID, we all knew how to keep clients and ourselves safe. Now, clients have a heightened awareness. Impress them with your ability to maintain optimum health and safety standards.
8. Be in the know. Can you recommend a good place to eat near you? Do you know a makeup artist for weddings? What spa should they visit while in Hawaii? Be in the know. If you don’t know, find a resource.
9. Follow up. Call/text/e-mail 3-5 days after the treatment and/or a new skin care purchase. “How is your skin?” “Tell me how you are using your new retinol.” Keep them engaged, and they will achieve the best results.
10. Bring back the goodies. Clients want the complimentary beverages, samples, testers and the little extras that COVID took away. Everyone has been patient. Now is the time to safely bring back the goodies. Clients are willing to pay for quality high-end service.
Use these #10things as a checklist or training tool. You’ll notice that the better you are with customer service, the happier you’ll be at the end of the day!