Acne is commonly thought of as a teenage condition that is caused by hormonal fluctuations, poor hygiene, and greasy food. Though acne does occur during teen years and hormonal fluctuations certainly contribute to acne, there is much more to acne than most people are led to believe.
Acne is the most common skin condition in the Unites States. Any given year, 50 million Americans across all ages will experience acne. As the numbers suggest, there is an overwhelming need for Certified Acne Experts to provide guidance toward healthy, clear skin. June is Acne Awareness Month, making it an excellent time to learn how you can make a positive impact on not just the lives of your clients, but on your business.
1. Advanced Education
Face Reality's acne training provides estheticians with a comprehensive knowledge of acne and a holistic method of treatment to give clients clear skin long-term. Once certified, profession a Is gain exclusive access to our ongoing education library.
2. Adaptive Acne Treatment
Adding a targeted acne treatment to your business will offer a long-term solution for acne that clients won't be able to find in a regular store or prescription bottle. Our award-winning product collection features varying strengths and active ingredients to build and adjust personalized home care routines over time.
3. Dedicated Support
From protocol to business support, our Acne Expert Success Team is here to provide guidance to Certified Acne Experts. This seasoned group of in-house estheticians are available to support you from the very start of training to ensure your success. Plus, you will become part of a growing professional network of peers.
4. Change Lives
As estheticians, we know how our skin makes us feel every day, especially with acne. Treating acne has a profound effect on mental health. Acne treatment fosters a shared sense of pride and accomplishment between esthetician and client that is unlike anything else.
5. Business Growth
Adding an acne program to your business brings a dedicated client base. As stated by the incredibly successful esthetician Savanna Boda:
"One thing that I feel is so important as a business owner is to have a niche and acne is that for me. With Face Reality, I've been able to clear thousands of clients in clinic and virtually."
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