How To Treat Skin Through Generations

How to help clients age through generations.
Help clients age gracefully from teens to adulthood.

As consumers transition through their infant, teenage and adult years, it's vital that their skin care routine grows with them.

Over time, skin endures acne, dark patches and a loss of elasticity due to stress, sun damage, pollution and a lack of a good skin care routine. However, a well-considered routine can delay or, in some cases, reverse these effects, leaving skin visibly fresher and younger.

Ingredients in Skin Care

Every day, thousands of consumers search for nourishing skin care solutions, to which the industry has responded by launching countless products containing ingredients of varying qualities. Unfortunately, many people find the wide choice overwhelming or yo-yo between formulations ill-designed for their age, skin type or oil production. This offers spa professionals and dermatologists an opportunity to educate consumers on how to best care for their skin and upsell great quality products tailored to a client's age and skin type.

"The wrong blend of ingredients will do absolutely nothing for the skin. And in the worst-case scenario, it may even trigger excessive oil production, damage, or scar the surface. It's important to pay close attention to sensitive regions, like the face, particularly as we age, and to understand that the hormones that affect the internal workings of our bodies also affect the skin. This means remedies that once worked for children won't necessarily work for adults, and a skin care routine that once worked on oily teen skin won't provide the same results on thinner, post-menopausal skin," explains David English, Montagne Jeunesse's Head of Labs.

Dermatologists and spa professionals fluent in the language of skin are in a prime position to capitalize on informing and guiding their clients through every step of the aging process in the form of self-care and pampering. A healthy skin care routine doesn't appear overnight. It usually starts at a young age with positive interactions between a parent and child. This could be with a protective balm, a nourishing moisturizer or a relaxing facemask during a DIY pampering day.

"Touch is how we can show somebody that we are physically present for them,” English adds. “So even with a sheet mask, this superficial touch makes you feel comfortable in your skin."

Treating Adults vs. Teens

As children hit puberty, hormones trigger sebum production. The body's natural oil production becomes unbalanced, leading to spots and greasy hair. This is the period when most clients begin to struggle with their skin. Many teens require a gentle exfoliation and regular or low-oil cleansing routine to keep most day-to-day conditions at bay. Dermatologists who reach out to a young audience and educate these benefits have the potential to build trust and inspire clients for life, just like award-winning science-led skin care expert Sam Bunting, MD. She answers commonly asked questions like 'how do I treat pigmentation' on Instagram and shares in-depth product and technique-led answers.

If supported properly, these teen clients will return as adults. During a person's adult years, many consumers search for an elixir of youth to counteract skin thinning, UV damage and fine lines caused by decreasing levels of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Spa professionals who can recommend light exfoliation, complementary cleansers and a daily moisturiser are in high demand. As are spa professionals who promote additional treatments for the mind, body and soul, including facials, salt scrubs, massage oils and plenty of drinking water.


Encouraging customers to exfoliate efficiently and avoid over-exfoliating is a great way to care for the skin. "[It] gets rid of dead skin and allows skin care products to penetrate more efficiently," says Debra Jaliman, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. "Many think it can leave your skin too dry, but that's only when someone exfoliates too often, which can end up irritating your skin."

As skin matures, it dries and thins, causing wrinkles to form. This period marks the skin's final evolution and a time for specialists to recommend superior moisturizers or treatments designed to counterbalance the rapidly decreasing levels of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

A Whole Body Approach

"A holistic approach is always best," said English. "If a person looks after their skin, they also care for their body and mind. A great way to help people is by enabling them to help themselves. Encouraging clients to carve out time in their busy schedules and to use quality products in the comfort of their own homes is empowering. And they don't have to be expensive. Small acts like an exfoliating salt scrub or a nutrient-rich face mask are great. It's self-care for the skin, but also self-care for the mind."

Consumers are constantly searching for skin care products that promote good health or eternal youth. As such, any professional who can explain complex topics like the evolution of the skin in simple terms and make product and service recommendations based on a client's age, skin type and budget are primed for success.

French-born Celine Delasalle has worked in the beauty and cosmetics industry for over two decades, with brands such as Olay, Wella, Hugo Boss, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci and many more with holistic brand, product, and design approach. Over the last three years Celine has developed and shaped the Earth Kiss proposition for Montagne Jeunesse while taking it to the U.S. and Japanese markets.

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