On the Horizon Acne


An estimated 50 million people suffer from acne every year in the United States, with 85% of those between 12 and 24 having experienced it at some point of their lives.1 The formation of an acne lesion occurs when the skin is oily and begins to shed excessively, clogging the pores and supplying a food source for Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). This creates inflammation and an immune response. In this article, we will identify the types of acne, discuss complicating factors and present some traditional and cutting-edge treatments for the condition.

Identify the Type

Comedonal, inflammatory and cystic acne are the main categories used to define this condition. Topical treatment for these types of acne are provided below. In addition, lifestyle plays an important role in how you can rebalance and correct acne. See Lifestyle Acne Tips for a list of tips we share with clients dealing with this condition.


  1. www.aad.org/media/stats/conditions/skin-conditions-by-the-numbers

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Learn more about the types of acne as well as check out the lifestyle acne tips in our digital edition



Si Author M Simms 3001

Marion Simms was born and trained in England and has been part of the skin care industry for over 25 years, working various roles. In 1984, she opened SkinSense Wellness Spa for spa services focused on wellness and skin care.

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