Face & Body with Medesthetics Virtual is taking place on May 23-26, 2021, offering a varety of advanced education and product knowledge sessions for medical aesthetic and skin care specialists. Following are five sessions focused on aesthetic lasers and devices for your practice or medspa that can help support optimal patient and client care.
May 23, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Power Moves: Selecting Skin Technology for Your Business with Annet King
Join Annet King, vice president of business development at BioTherapeutics, as she discusses the benefits of using technology on your patients in the treatment room or providing devices they could use in their home-care regimens. King will cover what new consumer technology is entering the marketplace, what staple professional skin technology you should be using daily, the latest technology developments that should be on your radar and how to evaluate reliable and supportive equipment suppliers.
12:05 - 1:05 pm: Microneedling with Topicals with Terri Wojak
Join Terri Wojak, LE, NCEA, Aesthetics Exposed Education, as she discusses the benefits of microneedling beyond its ability to even texture and promote firming of the skin. Microneedling can be used to treat wrinkles, reduce scars and improve stretch marks. Wojak will dive into how the use of topicals with microneedling can be even more beneficial in the treatment room, as the needles make pathways for products to penetrate more effectively. Learn about microneedling from cosmetic to surgical, as well as commonly used topicals for optimal results.
May 24, 2021
3:30 - 3:55 pm: Celluma Light Therapy: LED Myth Busters: Demystifying the Science of LED Light Therapy with Patrick Johnson
Join Patrick Johnson, CEO & president of Biophotas, Inc., as he discusses the myths and questions that surround LED Light Therapy. Johnson will answer questions including what's the difference between near-infrared, red and blue light, what are the wavelengths and why are they important, what about LED for hyperpigmentation, what are the best positioning for superior results, how to use LED post-resurfacing, what does "power" really mean and what does FDA clearance matter?
May 25, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Stepping Out of the Shadows: Evidence-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Management of Melasma with Mona Sadeghpour, MD
Melasma remains difficult to treat. Join Mona Sadeghpour, MD, co-founder SkinMed Institue, as she covers how to recognize the clinical features that distinguish melasma from other facial pigmentary disorders. Sadeghpour will also cover how to develop an evidence-based treatment algorithm for management of melasma and how to understand and utilize the latest therapeutic break-throughs in treatment of melasma including both medical and laser therapy.
May 26, 2021
10:30 - 10:55 am: Aerolase: Modernizing Laser Therapy with the Neo Elite with Ashlee Bunkelman
Join Ashlee Bunkelman, Paramedical Aesthetician at Aerolase, as she discusses the Neo Elite. The Nd: YAG laser offers no downtime and virtually painless treatments. Bunkelman will cover how the Neo Elite made history by expanding laser therapy inclusivity in the medical and aesthetic industry. Aerolase provides multiple clinical articles that substantially prove its safety and efficacy. Find out more about the Neo Elite's MOA and results.
2:00 - 2:25 pm: Celluma Light Therapy: LED Light Therapy: A Medical Esthetics Must for 4 Reasons with Patrick Johnson
Join Patrick Johnson, CEO & president of Biophotas, Inc., as he discusses low-level light therapy (LLLT) and its clinical efficacy in therapeutic areas. Johnson will dive into advanced in LED technology and how to understand integrating LLLT into your clinical practice, expanding your treatment offerings with LLLT procedures, using light therapy for enhanced patient outcomes for anti-aging, skin problems and pain and how to retail, lease or rent LLLT devices in your practice.
Visit Face & Body to learn more and register.