Quadpack Brings Sustainable Upgrade to Wooden Cap with Woodacity Hidden

The interior structure of Quadpack’s 100% wooden fragrance cap allows it to function with zero plastic, but is hidden from view for a luxury look.
The interior structure of Quadpack’s 100% wooden fragrance cap allows it to function
with zero plastic, but is hidden from view for a luxury look.

International beauty packaging manufacturer and provider Quadpack has introduced a sustainable upgrade to its monomaterial wooden cap, Woodacity Hidden, which features a click or friction fit for various pump systems.

Designed and manufactured at the Quadpack Wood factory in Spain, the upgraded cap features the patented Woodacity closure system that functions just like plastic, but using only sustainably sourced wood. To further minimize impact, water-based, biodegradable glue is used to seamlessly join the pieces.

Woodacity Hidden can be customized with a variety of luxury finishes and outer shapes, without affecting its impact. Crafted from maple or ash, all wood reportedly comes from controlled sources. Quadpack also offers FSC-certified wood to create a chain of custody of the raw material. At the end of its life, consumers can discard it, without needing to separate.

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