We want to know how many of our readers want to add cold plunging and other cryotherapy treatments to their offerings menus, and 57% of you said yes! Since that's just over half of our audience, we've gathered these cold plunge experiences, cryotherapy devices, trends and more to help spas deliver the benefits of cold therapy:
4 Cold Plunge Experiences from Top Destinations: Get some cold plunge program inspiration from four renowned wellness destinations.
Cryotherapy Chair Helps Alleviate Spa Worker Shortage: The CryoLounge+ chair delivers cold, heat and compression therapies without the use of a therapist.
5 Cutting Edge Trends Advancing the Future of Cryotherapy: We spoke with five industry experts about the top trends in cryotherapy today.
The Pros and Cons of Cold Plunging: Our deep dive into the benefits and potential downsides of cold plunging is great education for your programming—and your guests.