Results: Where do you typically purchase your nail essentials?

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Some may say a nail tech is nothing without the proper tools and resources; however, the best tech knows how to use their skill and knowledge to their advantage to create stunning works of art, with their arsenal being an extension of their talents. The best nail techs/artists also know how to identify the best products/tools to use to create their desired outcome. With all this in mind, it's important for techs to stay stocked up on all the items necessary to for a proper nail service: gel polish, tips, clippers, e-files, base and top coats, gel lamps, etc.

There's plenty of options for nail techs to make sure their arsenal is stocked to their needs, but we wanted to know where our followers typically/primarily purchase your nail essentials. They shared their responses with us, and you can see the results of the poll below. 

Blpnp Poll Results (1)

Stay tuned for more weekly polls from us each Tuesday, and make sure you cast your vote on our website and in our Instagram story (@nailpromagazine). 

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