Join Master Esthetician and Repêchage® Founder and CEO Lydia Sarfati for this hands-on 3-day academy. Seasoned estheticians can look and learn as Sarfati presents instruction in advanced skincare techniques and the latest news in product ingredients, technology, protocols and solutions.
Day 1: Learn how to administer the Lydia Sarfati Facial Massage.
Day 2: Understanding Skin Exfoliation and Treatment: Handle With Care!
Day 3: Hands-On Workshop. Learn hands-on how to administer the top Repêchage professional treatments.
In addition, Sarfati will instruct on how to turn your treatments into a five star experience, build a winning team and transform your business into a profit center. This class has a limited occupancy. Book early to reserve your spot.
Lydia Sarfati's 3-Day Master Class
Dec 5th, 2017
Dec 7th, 2017