The Spa Butler's Cryolyft Pro Uses High-Intensity Ultrasound to Target Fat Cells

Cryolyft Pro Machine (2)

The Cryolyft Pro from The Spa Butler is a non-invasive body-shaping device that destroys fat cells, tightens skin and reduces cellulite. It is designed to be an alternative to surgical lifting, liposuction and fat-dissolving injections.

This state-of-the-art body contouring machine uses high-intensity focused ultrasound and targets the subcutaneous fat without destroying surrounding nerves, muscle, collagen or other tissue in the targeted area.

Cryolyft Pro Benefits

  • Eliminate Fat Without Surgery–Pulsed ultrasound energy precisely focuses on a fixed area, targeting only subcutaneous fat at a controlled depth causing no damage to nerves, blood vessels or muscles.
  • Tone and Tighten Aged Skin–Ultrasound cavitation uses low-level ultrasonic waves to transform your fat cells into fatty acids. Your body can then dispose of those fatty acids so they won’t stick around.
  • Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines–Radio frequency skin tightening (RF) is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate sub-dermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.
  • Restore Your Beautiful Skin–When diet and exercise aren’t enough, the semi-conducting cooling handpiece will help you revitalize and repair your skin to achieve the look you’ve been striving for.
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