Results: Do you struggle to maintain loyal clientele?

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Image by Viacheslav Yakobchuk via Adobe Stock

Whether you're a nail tech just starting out or you've recently moved locations, you may be on the journey to building new clientele. This can be a tricky process, from promoting yourself/your work to making your services clear; however, in the world of social media, it's much easier to get people in your chair than ever before. The main goal is keeping them there! 

If you're one of those techs struggling to maintain loyal clientele, you may not be alone. A recent survey from Square analyzed the relationship between clients and their beauty provider, uncovering that 1 in 3 of consumers are in an ‘open relationship’ with their provider. Younger consumers, like Gen Z and Millennials, as well as men have expressed that they've sought out services from other pros beyond their primary provider. 

Nailpro asked its followers if they struggle to maintain loyal clientele, and they shared their responses. You can see the results of the poll below.

Blpnp Poll Results

Stay tuned for more weekly polls from us each Tuesday, and make sure you cast your vote on our website or in Instagram stories (@nailpromagazine). 

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