CranioSacral Therapy - Level 2: The Bones of the Skull, Face & Mouth

Jun 11th, 2013
Jun 11th, 2013
This seminar focuses on a set of techniques for working with the cranium. Other than osteopathy, most manual treatment programs do not address the mobility of the skull bones which is so critical to the health and functioning of the central nervous system. Cranial work also is very useful in addressing intra-oral, TMJ, and ear and sinus problems. The focus of Level 2 is on assessment and treatment of lesions in the cranium and facial bones. A full set of skills to address 16 bones in the cranium will be presented. The techniques build upon and integrate with Level 1 techniques for working with the cranial membranes, as well as the connections within the entire body. The seminar includes a combination of lecture, demonstration and hands-on practice. Healthcare professionals who complete Levels 1 and 2 will have a comprehensive set of craniosacral skills in the biomechanical-structural approach to address restrictions in the body and head. In addition, this seminar provides the necessary skills for massage therapists to apply for Intraoral Endorsement in the State of Washington. Further integration of these skills with a holistic approach to the mind, body, and spirit is presented in Level 3. Additional supervised practice sessions will be available for those who wish to fine-tune their craniosacral skills ($20 per session payable to the supervising practitioner).