Feb 17th, 2016
Feb 17th, 2016
There has never been a better time than now to broaden your expertise as an esthetician. Being able to recognize skin abnormalities is something that every esthetician can benefit from. This class will provide an in-depth discussion of skin abnormalities, and various advanced esthetics approaches for treatment. Additional focal points of the class will include Non-invasive radio, high frequency technology- for removal and treatment of skin abnormalities. The eradication of these stubborn skin conditions, with the help of the LamProbe device will undeniably result in a very satisfied clientele and increased revenue. You will learn: Advanced technologies for recognizing surface skin abnormalities such as: seborrheic keratosis, sebaceous, hyperplasia, milia, cherry angiomas, skin tags, and dilated capillaries, etc Characteristics for various skin abnormalities The Do’s and Don’ts in treating skin abnormalities Radio, high frequency for removal of superficial skin abnormalities Post treatment care