22600 Ventura Blvd # 103, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Phone:1.818. 876 0134
Fax:1. 818. 963 8981
Learn the interpretation of decoding facial expression with the Implementation of multifunctional facial activities to modulate Visual changes. Develop your signature in the Art of Facial Modelage with the capital you already have "Your Hands". Learn the most Advanced techniques of Esthetic Manual Modeling and Lifting Massage practiced in Europe. This impressive Facial Modelage concept incorporates six different modules that addresses bone and muscle definition, nerves, lymphatic and vascular systems. As an Esthetician, the importance of the quality of your touch affects not only the quality of care but the impressions you give your clients about yourself. A confident touch is a blend of good techniques and good people skills.The Solution to Retaining your Clients and Growing Your Business is in Your Hands!