Pevonia Academy: WellnessFusion Ritual Massage Workshop

Apr 16th, 2018
Apr 16th, 2018
San Francisco, CA
This interactive workshop allows you to learn while experiencing the latest wellness trends. Your morning will begin with a yoga-inspired ‘clarity to confidence’ activity followed by an impactful session on how to incorporate wellness therapies into your service menu. Finish the workshop by learning to create signature indigenous spa treatments and how to offer a customized wellness journey. Acquired learning skills include incorporating wellness trends into your spa as a revenue generator, best green spa practices…plus smoothie and juice recipes, WellnessFusion Rituals hands-on learning, healing therapies with crystals, color therapy and grounding rituals, creating indigenous spa treatments and results-driven wellness programs. The class includes a facial treatment demonstration with our signature WellnessFusion Ritual. All attendees will take part in performing the treatment.