Microblading 101 hosted by 3D Beauty

Sep 24th, 2017
Sep 26th, 2017
Irvine, California
Learn one of the most in demand trends in the industry with Master Artist and Instructor, Lynn La Palermo. Training will take place in 3D Beauty’s Irvine, CA facility. Day One—Brow Design—Not only will this class provide you with the proper techniques for designing a beautiful eyebrow, it will also teach you to build fundamental skills while working hands on. Day Two—Microblading Theory—You will be shown the proper application techniques of Microblading using various blade shapes and thicknesses. Day Three —Hands On—Working with Live Models is essential when perfecting your skills in the beauty industry. Class includes Hands on Training – on live models, Kit, Training Manual, Lunch Certification (Official Certification will be awarded to students who fulfill requirement standards set by The Occhi' Institute). Class dates are subject to change.