Business Basics to Build Your Brand

Aug 8th, 2017
Aug 8th, 2017
Des Plaines, IL , US
Millennials (ages 18-34) have surpassed Baby Boomers (ages 51-69) as the nation’s largest living generation. They now number between 80 and 90 million people. With $200 billion in annual buying power, it is important to understand Millennial buying habits. You cannot expect to become financially free if you continue to use outdated methods to generate income which no longer work. Those methods no longer work because the economy and the buyers are not the same as they used to be. What you will learn: Definition and demographics of the Millennial generation, a comparison of Millennial vs Baby Boomer shoppers and the importance of reviews and referrals. What you will walk away with: Knowledge of how to dramatically increase your productivity & effectiveness, tools and strategies that can be implemented easily without a big investment of time or money and specific strategies to build a successful business and social media following.