CranioSacral Therapy - Level 1: The Fascia System of the Body & Head

Jun 11th, 2013
Jun 11th, 2013
This course focuses on patient assessment that would include the musculo-skeletal system, body diaphragms, craniosacral rhythm and cranial membranes, as well as recognizing patterns of restriction. Techniques are taught for joint unwinding, muscle and ligament release, and myofascial trains recognition. You may immediately incorporate your new skills in your practice, continue on to more advanced study in Levels 2 and 3, as well as pursue the CranioSacral Certificate of Competency. The fascial system and its critical role in health and well-being will be discussed, from the specific to the whole body (including the membranes of the head). You will learn to recognize and assess the craniosacral rhythm at various points in the body, and to use it as an assessment tool. Learn to perform the still-point technique and dural tube glide, and explore the role of these techniques in normalizing tensions throughout the body. Additionally, instruction will cover the importance of the various membranes within the craniosacral system, including ways to assess restriction within the membrane system, and recognize its implications on general well-being and health.