$349 (plus $175 Pro Kit optional) Lash technicians discover how to not only perfect your lash extension techniques but also how to add a new level of expertise using additional techniques. Increase your speed and learn how $349 (plus $175 Pro Kit optional) Lash technicians discover how to not only perfect your lash extension techniques but also how to add a new level of expertise using additional techniques. Increase your speed and learn how $349 (plus $175 Pro Kit optional) Lash technicians discover how to not only perfect your lash extension techniques but also how to add a new level of expertise using additional techniques. Increase your speed and learn how to work with the most difficult lashes (sparse, missing, needling repair, etc). The ins and outs of applying mink, rhinestone, jewels, crown and color lashes and their most appropriate uses is also covered in theory and with hands-on practice. This course also covers Doll Lashes, a new technique to satisfy every client. This technique is great for clients who want a dramatic look but don't have the natural lashes to support it with regular lash extensions. Course includes hands on experience. Attendees must provide their own model at 1:30pm to receive hands on, or register with another professional and work on each other!
Advanced Eyelash Extensions & Doll Lashes
Mar 20th, 2015
Mar 20th, 2015
10 Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801 USA