Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial Delivers Pure Oxygen to Skin's Dermal Layer


The Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial is a patented skin treatment system that uses scientific principles to deliver critical pure oxygen, along with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes directly to the dermal layer of the skin. Effective as a solo treatment but especially beneficial when combined with other treatments such as dermaplaning, peels, microdermabrasion and surgeries that compromise the skin.

The oxygen-infusing skin treatment uses 87 different vitamins, trace minerals and enzymes to fuel the cellular layers of the skin where new cells are formed. The Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial is a complete treatment protocol that starts with Exfoliation, then Cleansing, Hydration and finally, the application of pure Oxygen with a topical dose of essential trace minerals and vitamins A, C and E. The facial is effective as a stand-alone treatment or can be combined with treatments such as dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser, etc.

The Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial does not use hydrogen peroxide or any other chemically-derived and often harsh forms of oxygen generation. Instead, only pure oxygen is used. The Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial was developed by a respiratory therapist using the method of oxygen delivery developed for treatment of severe skin burns. The Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial is the only oxygen treatment that uses scientific principles to prepare the skin to receive the beneficial oxygen molecule.

The proprietary hand piece aerosolizes the trace minerals and vitamin solutions using pure oxygen to propel the mist deep into the skin layers. Oxygen molecules then attach themselves to the collagen and elastin fibers, strengthening them and promoting the generation of new cells. In addition, as oxygen is pushed into the cells, toxins are pushed out. This, in combination with the free-radical scavenging effect of vitamins A, C and E in the treatment provide dramatic results for virtually every skin type and condition.

Main Benefits:

  • Reduce Irritation and Swelling: Oxygen is a natural healing agent, used to constrict swelling caused by skin trauma. The Oxygen Lab ECHO2 Facial promotes faster healing of over-stimulated skin often resulting from aggressive treatments. Feels cool and soothing, safe to use on sunburned skin.
  • Encourages Faster Cell Turnover: Stimulates formation of healthy new cells – promotes new cell generation (skin cells, collagen cells and elastin cells). New cells cannot form without the oxygen molecule.
  • Anti-aging Benefits: Increases strength of collagen and elastin – oxygen depletion in the vital collagen and elastin network (which forms the structure of the skin) causes collagen and elastin to break down. Collagen damage is believed to be the primary cause of premature aging of the skin (wrinkles).
  • Fights Free Radicals:  Vitamins A, C and E (applied twice during the treatment) seek out and fight harmful free radicals leaving the client with healthier skin.
  • Rehydrates Skin Cells: Osmotic Hydration draws needed moisture into the cells during our 7-layer Hydration step. Perfect for mature/dry skin clients.
  • Kills Harmful Bacteria: Oxygen is a natural bacteria-killing agent. Harmful bacteria are a leading cause of infection.
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