Tip: Print off these instructions for easier reference while purchasing your listing upgrades online.
Step 1: Please log in to your account - if you have forgotten your password, it can be emailed to you from our Forgot Your Password form.
Step 2: Once you have logged into your account, you will be taken to the Supplier Search page. On the left-hand side of this page, you will see a "My Account" section. If you would like to make updates to your existing company listing, click on "Directory Dashboard".
Step 3: If you would like to update your company name or description, please do so in the fields provided in the upper left-hand corner of the Dashboard.
Step 4: If you would like to update your categories, underneath the description field is a button that reads "Edit Business Categories". Click this button.
- Choose "Spa Product Manufacturer" from the list.
- In the expanded list that appears, please choose the product categories that best describe your offerings.
- If you click on a category in error, simply click the "remove" option in the "Your Categories" box.
- When you have finished choosing all of the appropriate categories for your company, please click "Next"
Step 5: If you would like to change any of your company contact information, please click on the "Edit Company Info" button within the "Company Contact Information" box on the dashboard. If you are a distributor for another company, be sure to mark the checkbox next to the "I also represent and/or distribute for another company" statement located at the bottom of the "Company Information" form. When you are finished, click "Done".
Step 6: If you have any additional locations or if you have any distributors or representatives for your company, please enter these into the appropriate fields in the Dashboard.
Step 7: In the "Status" box at the top right-hand corner of your Dashboard, any notifications regarding your listing will be displayed.
Step 8: In the "Products, Formulas and Brands" box of the Dashboard, click "Edit Spa Brands" to add your company's brands to your listing.