Being named the Best of the Best means something special—that you are a standout among your peers, doing innovative, dedicated work that is inspiring the industry. And Skin Inc. magazine has always been among the first to recognize, promote and encourage such efforts.
While the attitudes, initiatives and work still continue in making spas and spa products the best each business can offer, the challenges the past few months have presented to not just the spa industry, but the nation and world as a whole have forced many to refocus their efforts. Because we at Skin Inc. magazine understand that need and want to continue to give every aspect of the spa industry the attention it fully warrants and deserves, the Best of the Best Awards have been put on hold for 2009 to give the industry time to regroup and focus on the business matters that mean the most to you—running a successful spa.
During the year, we intend to rededicate ourselves as well and will be developing notification systems, submission options, judging profiles and voting opportunities that are truly the Best of the Best, able to reach participants from the far corners of the industry, and comb every nook and cranny for the most innovative ideas ever. We hope you are also able to use the extra time to heighten your business’s procedures, programs and opportunities. We eagerly await hearing about all your exciting new efforts in 2010!