How-to Treatment: Detoxifying Back Treatment

Allow clients to reveal the youthful appearance of their backs with this pampering and therapeutic modern body treatment. This stress-reducing service focuses on a very hard to reach, yet important area.

Treatment duration: 60 minutes

Treatment cost: $80

Products needed:

Body wash

Flaxseed body exfoliator

Lactic acid peel

Nourishing body oil

Mist toner

Body moisturizer

Dual protection sunscreen

Supplies needed:

7 hot towels

2 large dry towels

4 rubber bowls

Table warmer

Sheets and blankets

Equipment needed:

Extractor tool

High frequency tool

Before treatment: Dress the table with two flat sheets, a warm blanket and a plastic sheet.

Step 1: After greeting the client and reviewing the consultation form, go over the steps you will be performing and make sure the client understands the treatment contraindications: pregnancy or allergies to any of the products used. Ask the client to lie face down to begin the treatment.

Step 2: Once the client is comfortable and on the treatment bed, apply one to two drops of the nourishing body oil of her choice to your palms. Cup your hands under the client’s nose and mouth area, being careful not to make contact, and ask her to take three slow, deep breaths in through her nose and out through her mouth. Ask the client to concentrate on achieving a full exhalation with each breath.

Step 3: With the client in the prone position, gently cleanse the back with the body wash, then rinse and remove the residue with a hot towel.

Step 4: Manually exfoliate the back with the flaxseed body exfoliator for five minutes, then remove the residue with hot towels.

Step 5: Perform a skin analysis, and discuss any findings or areas of concern with the client. Also, make note of areas you will be focusing on during the treatment.

Step 6: Perform a second exfoliation with a lactic acid peel for a maximum of 30 minutes, then thoroughly remove residue with hot towels.

Step 7: Perform extractions using tissues on fingers or an extractor tool. Extract blemishes, and then mist with mist toner.

Step 8: Apply high frequency tool to the extracted areas to kill bacteria for approximately three minutes.

Step 9: Massage back with nourishing body oil for approximately 10–15 minutes to stimulate circulation and relax the back muscles.

Step 10: Apply body moisturizer to further hydrate and heal the skin.

Step 11: Finally, apply sunscreen if the treatment has taken place during daytime hours.

Step 12: Allow the client to dress and meet her outside with a glass of water. Discuss a recommended future treatment schedule and products to aid in addressing her skin concerns or condition.

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